Grammar Quiz 333

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We would like to pay ____________________ credit card, please.

Correct! Wrong!

Shreya goshal is famous ____________________ her songs.

Correct! Wrong!

I don't read _______________________ magzines at all.

Correct! Wrong!

Ram likes to spend time at home. He's so _________________.

Correct! Wrong!

I want to take a picture ____________________ that painting.

Correct! Wrong!

I haven't heard __________________ news about her for a long time.

Correct! Wrong!

Where is _____________________ Sahara desert?

Correct! Wrong!

I don't know where to go next summer. I ___________________ go to Kashmir.

Correct! Wrong!

This sofa has a ___________________________ cover that looks like natural.

Correct! Wrong!

_________________________ John's team was beaten in the semi-final.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct answer
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