Grammar Quiz 347

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I saw a bird in the tree ____________________ bird was green.

Correct! Wrong!

I see ______________ five men outside.

Correct! Wrong!

Wait a minute, I ____________________ a notebook.

Correct! Wrong!

I suppose that John _________________ to London in a few days.

Correct! Wrong!

Their team is very strong. I believe they ___________________ .

Correct! Wrong!

Well, I _________________ this pair of sandals.

Correct! Wrong!

She has to do so much today. She _________________ tired after work.

Correct! Wrong!

He has just ________________ that she lied to him.

Correct! Wrong!

I hate this village. I will never __________________ here again.

Correct! Wrong!

They _____________________ three children.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct answer
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