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My little brother pretended ____________________ a rabbit.

Correct! Wrong!

Tina is from Denmark. She is a ____________________

Correct! Wrong!

There are ____________________ apples left. this is not enough for us.

Correct! Wrong!

___________________ Z square is very colorful in the evening.

Correct! Wrong!

__________________________ of going to the shopping mall, we went to the museum.

Correct! Wrong!

John wasted time ____________________ games online all the day long.

Correct! Wrong!

Max was totally discouraged __________________ not winning the race.

Correct! Wrong!

I __________________________ you videos when I get them.

Correct! Wrong!

I __________________________ a novel when Dad arrives tonight.

Correct! Wrong!

By next May, I ________________________ the research.

Correct! Wrong!

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