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Does she have a well-paid job? Yes, she _______________________________ .

Correct! Wrong!

I'm sure I ___________________________ a strong Advance level by next month.

Correct! Wrong!

Her preparation ___________________________ the exam wasn't good enough

Correct! Wrong!

He wants too ______________________________ .

Correct! Wrong!

I will do it after he ______________________________ .

Correct! Wrong!

It __________________________in Italy.

Correct! Wrong!

I _______________________ Marathi.

Correct! Wrong!

We don't

I'll have a rest when I __________________________ this project.

Correct! Wrong!

I don't think she can pay ____________________________ all the sum now.

Correct! Wrong!

'Pay back' means 'return money'.

______________________________ your boss paid his all the money?

Correct! Wrong!

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