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It happened by chance.
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It happened by chance.
An old man who had five sons was worried that his sons would never learn to get along.He brought all of his sons together and ordered his servants to bring in a bundle of sticks.He said to his oldest son “Break it”.the son tried and tried, but even with all his might, he was unable … Read more
After a feast, two cats see a piece of cake and start fighting for it. A monkey sees this as an opportunity for gain and offers to help them. The monkey divides the cake into two parts but shakes its head saying they are unequal. He takes a bite of one piece and then the … Read more
A boy and a girl loved each other very much. Unfortunately girl died. Boy was upset so much and he couldn’t stop his tears, he kept on crying day and night.Many people gave sympathy but no argument stop his tears. One night he slept and had a dream He saw the girl in heaven with … Read more
A milkman became very wealthy through dishonest means. He had to cross a river daily to reach the city where his customers lived. He mixed the water of the river generously with the milk that he sold for a good profit. One day he went around collecting the dues in order to celebrate the wedding … Read more
People have been coming to the wise man, complaining about the same problems every time. One day he told them a joke and everyone roared in laughter. After a couple of minutes, he told them the same joke and only a few of them smiled. When he told the same joke for the third time … Read more
Once a young man asked the wise man, John, the secret to success. John patiently listened to the man’s question and told him to meet him near the river the next morning for the answer. The next morning John asked the young man to walk with him towards the river. As they went in the … Read more
One day, a rich dad took his son on a trip to a village.He wanted to show him how poor someone can be.They spent time on the farm of a poor family.On their return from the trip, the father asked his son,“How was the trip?”“It was great, Dad.”“Did you see how poor people live?”the father … Read more