Capitalization with 5 Essential Rules in English

Capitalization with 5 Essential Rules In English

Capital letters play a vital role in English. Because Capitalization makes sentences more attractive, and the reader scans the sentence. If we write any sentence without capital letters, then we find it strange to read. For example, John is playing with Tina.  (This is the right way to write a sentence) and if you write this example sentence … Read more

Parts of speech

Parts of speech

What are the different parts of speech? There are eight parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.  Noun A noun is a word that denotes a name, person, thing, place, thought, or quality. A noun can be both the subject and object of a sentence.  For instance: The apple is … Read more

Sentences and Types of Sentences

Sentences and Types of Sentences

What is a sentence? A sentence is a collection of words that make sense. An arrangement of words to communicate a message is known as a sentence. A sentence should always make sense. Types of Sentences help us recognize the sentence structure. In essence, a group of words that don’t make sense can’t form a … Read more

Punctuation Marks in English

Punctuation Marks in English

What are punctuation marks in the English language? Punctuation marks are the characters that help you to distinguish between different ideas in a sentence. Moreover, it creates a rhythm and makes it easy for the readers to understand your writing.  Different types of punctuations You can categorize punctuations into different kinds. Here are the different … Read more

How to tell time in English

How to tell time in English

Time is significant in our everyday life. You can use the time to determine whether you are late or not for a particular event. In addition, time can help you to avoid being late for any events or meetings and time in English make you smarter. Learning How to Tell the Time in English Let … Read more

Letters of Hindi and English Alphabets

Letters of Hindi and English Alphabets

Knowing the Alphabets before we begin Before you start to learn the language, you must know the alphabet and letters of Hindi and English. As a result, you have to memorize the alphabet.  Therefore, the first step in learning any language always starts with remembering, writing, and naming the letters. In addition, you have to … Read more

How to Use Till Until Unless In Grammar

How to Use Unless, Until, Till In Grammar

In this article, I will explain the difference between Unless, Until, Till. So, How to Use Unless, Until, Till In by the end of this lesson, you will understand how to use these in sentences. Unless When we’re using unless we don’t use any negative words, it’s not followed with a negative. We can’t … Read more